Gold Chains and the American Hip-Hop Culture

Jewelry is an important part in the lives of all the accessories sector grew slowly in the world and between different cultures and people, jewelry is worn by men and women worldwide. One of the most recent crops that have a strong impact on the world and the real American way of life had the hip-hop culture that has gained much popularity in recent years. Jewels of the hip-hop culture has been adopted very quickly, slowly becoming a part of anyhip-hopper’s lives. Golden chains are the most common types of jewelry worn by hip-hoppers, identifying their entire culture and actual meaning of their traditions and beliefs. In this article we are going to feature golden chains and their great impact on the hip-hop culture.

Golden chains have become an essential part of every hip hopper’s life, showing off their own styles and personalities, expressing their own feelings and beliefs. Since old times, gold jewelry has been regarded as a symbol of power, carrying only the best. Hip hopper use gold chains, to better express and identify themselves and others. The "word" bling slowly become part of hip-hop, with thick gold chains, a symbol of power and wealth. The influence of gold chains in the hip-hop culture, it is probably hip-hop, which began a dance of power and active and lively style.

The use of onlythe biggest and heaviest chains is part of the hip-hop culture nowadays, hip hoppers desiring for more diversity and flexibility by wearing shinier and heavier metals, expressing their strength. Hip hop link chains come in a wide variety of styles, shapes, sizes and also patterns, the most commonly used ones being the Bullet and the Figaro type link chains.

Mixing and matching different shapes, colors and styles is a vital process, requiring much creativity. In order to properly show off the hip hopper’s style and personality, much customization is needed, personalizing the gold chains is a must and it can be done by adding different precious stones or other metals, making the gold chains bolder and stronger. Different shapes are much appreciated regarding hip hop jewelry mixing, very popular being the gold chains featuring a dollar sign. Wearing different types of clasps and mixing different gold colors such as white gold are also great tips in order to fully customize the golden chain. Gold chains are viewed by the hip hop culture as a tradition, a celebration of the hip hop dance, being a symbol of energy and abundance.

Gold chains had a great impact on the hip hop culture, slowly becoming a part of every hip hopper’s lives, showing off their power, strength, traditions and beliefs. Wearing the biggest and the heaviest gold chains are part of the hip hop tradition, being a celebration of the hip hop dance and music, expressing the wearer’s true style and personality.

Let’s Recap What We’ve Learned in this Article:

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